What drew you to the rubber industry, and what has made your career in the industry rewarding?
I had not worked before in this kind of industry, and I did not expect to find this kind of experience. It has been really interesting and gratifying. I obtained new knowledge of cost management based on a strong structure, policies and controls that help to improve the work and results every day. Additionally, I found an amazing team, definitely my second family.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Diffusion, implementation and provide guidance to the site on finance policies, controls and procedures since the transition from Kuo to Cabot management.
What do you count as your biggest failure and what has it taught you?
Every financial incident for the site is a fail for me. They have occurred (because) I have had "missings" on my analysis. However, I have increased my knowledge and experience through them and we have implemented new actions to avoid the same situations in the future.
Who or what inspires you?
My family, especially my daughter. However, the work environment always makes me give my best effort in every activity.
Who were your career mentors, and what role did they play?
In every work that I have had during my work life I have found a career mentor. All of them shared with me their knowledge and experience, and they have contributed to my growing.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Do not waste time thinking about the problems, spend the time finding the solutions.
If you were CEO of a company, what would you do first?
I would find the way to know all about the problems or situations that every site faces in order to guide the proper efforts to obtain better results that bring benefits to the company and to the team.
What would you tell someone considering a career in the rubber industry?
My experience of this kind of industry is the best that I have had, full of challenges and satisfactions.
In your opinion, what needs to be done to encourage females to pursue STEM-related careers?
I think that we have the responsibility to promote among the young women and girls that it is an amazing and interesting field, that they set the limits for their own growing, and it is then they realized that the limits do not exist. Maybe we have to share more the history of more successful women through the time that shows them that the best efforts always bring a lot of rewards.