Adam Savage is so lucky, and not just because he gets to blow things up.
Every day, he gets to make things. Cool things. Nerdy things. Things that embody his truest passions and give him a sense of fulfillment. He makes things that inspire others.
I hadn't thought much about Savage—of "Mythbusters" and "Savage Builds" fame—until I heard an interview with him in which he discussed his recently released book, "Every Tool's a Hammer."
I couldn't get that interview out of my head. It made me nostalgic for "Mythbusters" episodes, sure, but his insights were rather profound. The book isn't a DIY guide to carpentry or metalwork. It's a deeply honest story about the wisdoms gleaned from doing the things you love, making mistakes and finding success along the way.
I got an audio copy of the book from my library (Savage reads it himself, so the audio copy is fantastic!), and found I had a hard time pausing it. Not only is it perfectly geeky and insightful, I couldn't help but notice the connections to rubber. I mean, he has an entire chapter devoted to glues, adhesives and the differences between the various kinds, as well as their applications, strengths and weaknesses. How spectacularly nerdy is that?!
The book also is a treasure trove of everyday wisdoms. As Savage carefully recounts the projects from which he learned some of his most valuable lessons in friendship, vulnerability and discipline, I kept hearing references to rubber industry materials—silicone, latex and polyurethane foams.
One of those projects was a Coca Cola commercial he helped to create in 1997.