As proposed, the EPA would set maximum achievable control technology (MACT) emission limits related to total hydrocarbons, particulate matter and metal hazardous air pollutants.
For total hydrocarbons (THC), particularly, recently collected data from mixing sites across the U.S. indicate specific HAP are released during the process.
"The emissions data received indicate that THC is emitted from the rubber processing subcategory. Measured THC includes organic HAP, including but not limited to 2-butanone, acetophenone, cumene, hexane, isooctane, methylene chloride, phenol, toluene and xylene, which are the compounds identified by the rubber manufacturing association [sic] (now USTMA) as being emitted during rubber processing in original testing to determine emission factors for the Rubber Tire Manufacturing NESHAP," the EPA proposal states.
"Because the THC measurements, by definition, include all relevant organic HAP (as well as non-HAP), and considering the significant difficulty of measuring numerous individual, speciated organic HAP compounds, we are proposing a MACT standard in accordance with CAA section 112(d)(2) and (d)(3) to limit THC emissions as a surrogate for organic HAP emissions, as described further in section IV.A.2 of this preamble."
The EPA proposes a 15-day rolling average THC emissions limit for mixers of both silica-containing and non-silica-containing compounds. Additionally, an emission limit for THC as a surrogate for organic HAP emitted from rubber mixers for silica-containing and non-silica-containing compounds is proposed.
The proposal calls for a MACT floor THC limit for mixing silica-containing compounds of 9.4 grams per megagram of rubber produced—or about 18,840 pounds per million tons—based on a 15-day rolling average. This, EPA said, applies only to existing rubber processing sources as the costs for upgrades would make it difficult to achieve tougher standards.
For new rubber mixers, the standard would be more stringent.
For mixing silica-containing compounds, the proposed new source THC MACT floor limit is 2.1 grams per megagram of rubber produced—or about 4,210 pounds per million tons.
For non-silica-containing compounds, the EPA proposes a THC MACT floor limit of 45.4 grams per megagram—about 90,800 pounds per million tons. This, the agency said, applies to existing rubber processing sources.
The proposed THC MACT floor limit for new mixers is 17.2 grams per megagram, or about 34,400 pounds per million tons.