The 41st Tire Society Conference will take place Sept. 12-13, 2022, once again on the campus of the University of Akron, the society's original stomping ground for the gathering.
The theme is "New Horizons in Tire Evaluations."
As such, the Tire Society is making its call for technical papers, due April 29, on the topics of tire performance, materials, tire/road interaction, tire/vehicle system, emerging technology and trends, data science and virtual design.
Conference papers often are published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Tire Science and Technology, published quarterly by The Tire Society.
The paper submissions represent the crux of the conference, along with the keynote address, plenary lecture and panel discussions.
Full-time university students also are invited to submit their research for a cash prize.
Typically, engineers, scientists and technologists from the tire and vehicle industries, academia and government agencies attend the Tire Society Conference.
The next conference will be conducted the same week as the International Tire Exhibition and Conference (Sept. 13-15), organized by Rubber News and the largest tire manufacturing trade show in North America.
The two events make Akron once again the place to be for all things tire.
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