WAKEFIELD, Mass.—Alliance Tire Group has introduced the Alliance Agriflex+ 372 VF CFO. The combine and grain cart tire rated is to carry 186 percent of the load of a comparably sized standard radial tire when operating at harvest speeds of under 10 mph.
The new tire in size VF800/65R32 CFO replaces the 30.5R32 tires commonly found on many grain carts and Class V, VI and VII harvesters, the company said. It is rated for loads as high as 26,370 pounds when used in cyclic conditions, such as harvest.
"What makes this tire important is not just its massive load capacity, but also its place within Alliance Tire's Whole Farm Solution, a commitment to helping farmers reduce soil compaction by developing low-pressure tires for every wheel on the farm," ATG said in a statement.
The extra-rugged construction that qualifies for the Cyclic Field Operations rating allows the tire to be used in conditions where load increases and decreases dramatically, such as when a combine hopper or grain cart fills up, then unloads, according to James Crouch, national product manager, agriculture, for Alliance Tire Americas.
"There's an immense amount of technology and manufacturing skill that goes into constructing a sidewall of a CFO tire, and we doubled down on that by also making it a very high flexion, or VF, tire," Crouch said. "The VF capabilities add 40 percent more load to the tire compared to a standard radial at the same inflation pressure. Then the CFO rating indicates that the tire can handle another 33 percent on top of that. Together, that's a 186 percent increase over standard radial capacity. It's a mighty tire."