The paper discusses prediction of tire treadwear in the laboratory based on low severity condition. The vehicle acceleration distribution was used to determine slip ratio of the test. Sample load was determined using sample dynamic contact area and tire inflation pressure.
Technical Notebook: Laboratory prediction of tire treadwear and associated high-frequency vibrations
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The laboratory test result based on the established condition was in good agreement with the tire test result. Size of wear debris collected from the laboratory test was comparable to those collected from road tested tires, indicating that laboratory test severity simulated the road test.
The author found three types of vibration during the laboratory wear test at 10 Hz, 530 Hz and 40kHz. Half the wave length of the high-frequency vibration was equivalent to the size of wear debris indicating that the high-frequency vibration was responsible for wear resistance. Load dependence of the frequency suggested that the high-frequency vibration was caused by the natural frequency of rubber.
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