The latest development of ultra-high molar mass EPDM rubbers enables the formulation of compounds with up to date unseen, superior mechanical and dynamic properties, especially at elevated temperatures.
Using sulfur-vulcanized blends containing Keltan 9565Q with a small amount of natural rubber, a significant increase of crack growth resistance and fatigue lifetime was obtained without deteriorating the excellent heat stability of EPDM-based compounds.
The study shows the findings on the morphology and microscopic dynamic-mechanical properties of these nano-ispersed rubber blends. As a result, a crack inhibition mechanism, which may explain both the high tear resistance and fatigue lifetime, is recommended. Applications such as cardan shafts, gear boxes and engine mounts may benefit from the advantage of the saturated polymer backbone of EPDM, the strength and resilience of ultra-high molar mass EPDM and the compounding techniques presented.