"With PPG Agilon performance silicas, tire makers, for example, can achieve the 'magic triangle' by lowering rolling resistance for improved fuel efficiency, increasing traction for improved safety and handling, and durable construction that extends the useful life of tires," Kappas and Hefel said.
With products like Agilon, tires perform more sustainably. But they're made more sustainable, too.
"We're also invested in making tire manufacturing more environmentally conscious. To accomplish this, PPG produces Agilon performance silica by pre-reacting silica, silane and proprietary additives at our own facilities. Removing this step from the manufacturing process eliminates more than 99 percent of the associated alcohol-related volatile organic compound emissions, cuts mix times and accelerates throughput, enabling manufacturers to produce more tires with less energy," Kappas and Hefel said.
"Our research shows that Agilon silica allows tire manufacturers to cut energy use in half and improve throughput by a third."
And Agilon is just one example of how PPG's sustainability commitment is embodied in its innovation and product offering. Last year, Kappas and Hefel said, the company launched "a number of sustainable products," which helps to bolster its aim of achieving 40 percent of sales from sustainably advantaged products.
As of last year, sustainably advantaged products accounted for 39 percent of the company's sales.
"We continue to strengthen our efforts across all areas of our footprint, including water, waste, energy and emissions," Kappas and Hefel said. "In addition to our operations and our customers' operations, PPG takes responsibility for minimizing the environmental impact of our products throughout their entire life cycle. Our Product Stewardship Management System and an updated sustainable product assessment process are the bedrocks of our process."