BALLSTON SPA, N.Y.—Specialty Silicone Products Inc. has obtained a certificate of compliance from North American Science Associates Inc., a medical technology contract research organization, for a product that passed an in vivo test for USP Plastics Class VI.
"This is the second material in our SSP2390 family of USP Class VI silicones to receive a NAMSA COC," said Dominic Testo, SSP business development manager. "The first was for a 50-durometer test article that passed this same group of tests, which are performed on living organisms to demonstrate biocompatibility."
The newest material, a 10-durometer silicone, comprised clear, cured silicone on 6-inch-by-6-inch ASTM sheets. The 50-durometer test article used translucent test slabs of the same size.
SSP also can supply medical silicones in colors such as red, black, white or gray.
The SSP website offers more information on its medical silicones in the SSP2390 series.