Reprints & Back Issues
Were you or your company featured in an article or listing in Rubber News? If so, let our Reprints help you create professionally designed reproductions of your favorable press coverage.
Products we offer:
Reprints: Reprints are customized, printed reproductions of your featured press. Customize with your company logo or advertisement to increase marketing value. Add to your portfolio, media kit, direct mail, or sales collateral.
E-print/HTML: A PDF version or HTML link of a custom reprint – ideal for your website, email marketing, or social media applications.
Logo Licensing: Maximize your recognition by leveraging your industry's most respected brands. Showcase on your website, sales collateral, letterhead, and in social media.
Plaques/Frames: Showcase your recognitions/press in your office or reception area. Many styles and formats for all décor. We are the only vendor, beware of unaffiliated vendors.
For more information, contact Lauren Melesio, Director, Reprints & Licensing at [email protected].
Crain Communications Inc. is Rubber News' parent company.
BEWARE of third-party vendors such as American Registry. Why use generic fonts when your recognition products can feature the actual Rubber News logos and editorial design?