Books are my safe place, always have been. Open a book and I close the door on all of the pressures and stressors of the world.
Reading gives me the chance to simply be. In those moments between book pages, I don't have responsibilities. I'm not a mom, a managing editor or a likely voter concerned with the state of my city, the country or the world.
I'm just me.
And the more books I read, the more balanced I feel. In fact, my Goodreads tracker is a fairly solid barometer of how well I'm balancing work and personal. The more books read, the more balanced I am.
Until recently, my life was spinning wildly off-kilter. I was overwhelmed, over-worked and over-tired. And my TBR (to-be read) pile was getting taller.
I needed to stop. Breathe … and open another book.
This year has been a journey of sorts. An opportunity to find a better balance of who I am personally and professionally. A time to renew my passion for reading and rediscover who I am by consciously making time for the people and moments that matter most.