Mention the term "artificial intelligence," and there's a good chance you'll start a debate.
Will AI become the technology to make all other technologies obsolete? Or will it be a "buzz word" of today that's shoved to the background in the coming years?
At NAHAD's recent annual convention, attendees got to hear from one of the world's top proponents of AI, Zack Kass, who worked as head of Go-to-Market for OpenAI. He was a key player in channeling the firm's innovative research into tangible business solutions.
And in his keynote speech, he said he believes at some point that AI will be intellectually equal to humans.
"I think it will be the last technology humans will have to invent," Kass said. "It will be more important than fire, the wheel and the internet combined."
The OpenAI alum predicts that AI will accomplish unimaginable things, including curing cancer and bringing the costs of goods and services to new lows.
With the pressures facing a technology-driven industry like tire manufacturing, it's no surprise that the use of AI is beginning to enter the conversation.