EWING, N.J.—After nearly 95 years in business, R.E. Carroll is showing its continued commitment to its customers by issuing a brand promise to the coatings industry: "Knowledgeable, responsible, trusted: What matters to you is important to us."
"It can be challenging sometimes to distinguish ourselves from our competition, so we're always looking for ways where we can differentiate ourselves from the other chemical distributors in the market," said David Carroll, vice president at Ewing-based R.E. Carroll.
The company does not take its new brand promise lightly.
"From our technical sales representatives to our customer service team, we will provide all the necessary and critical information about our products to you, make recommendations on their use, and how they can address the needs of our customers to the best of our abilities," Carroll said in a news release about the brand promise.
The company has a responsibility to its customers, he said. In addition to an ISO 9001 certification, it also maintains a responsible distribution certification as a requirement of its membership in the National Association of Chemical Distributors.
"That means we will handle, store and prepare for shipment, the raw materials we sell in a responsible manner and educate our customers on safe use where possible," Carroll said.
"We strive to earn your trust from your first interaction with us via the phone or internet all the way through the order and beyond. If something isn't right, we'll make it right to the best of our abilities."
Carroll said the brand promise is important to everyone at the company, from the president to the person loading the truck. "One of our strengths has always been our relationship with our customers," he said. "No customer is just a number to us. The smallest customer is just as important as the largest."
Company milestones
R.E. Carrol is a family-owned business with the third generation currently holding the reins. Carroll and his brother—Robert E. Carroll III, the firm's president—are the grandsons of founder R. Emmett Carroll.