The ACS Rubber Division encourages its members to "never stop learning," as it offers several courses in the second half of July and first half of August. All times are EDT.
• Basic rubber compounding will be July 28 from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., instructed by Nicki Hershberger, compound development manager and senior technical adviser at Akron Rubber Development Laboratory.
This course offers an overview of rubber compounding and testing, including elastomers, fillers/reinforcement, plasticizers/process aids, anti-degradants and cure systems. Testing laboratory subjects will include process testing, physical properties testing, dynamic properties testing and aging. Processing subjects will include mixing, milling, molding, extrusion and calendaring. Cost is $345 per member and $445 per non-member. The course is free for student members.
• Processing and testing of rubber will be July 29 from 1 to 5 p.m., also to be taught be Hershberger.
The focus of the course is mixing, extrusion, molding and testing. Different mixer types and rotors types will be reviewed. Extrusion, salt batch and other processing will be discussed, along with how to troubleshoot processing problems. Analytical chemical testing of rubber compounds will be included. Warehouse storage of elastomers and rubber chemicals is included along with useful reference sheets. This course is designed for rubber plant technical personnel. Cost is $195 per member and $295 per non-member. The course is free for student members.
• Strength and Endurance in Rubber will be Aug. 18 from 9 to 11 a.m., taught by William Mars, president of Endurica L.L.C.
This course is designed for industry professionals wanting an "on-ramp" to the vast subject of managing the strength and durability of elastomeric materials and products. A technical background is helpful, but not required. This course will cover factors that limit rubber's strength and endurance, as well as predictive methods for knowing when an elastomer will fail. Cost is $99 per member and $199 per non-member. The course is free for students.
• The Fatigue Limit of Rubber will be Aug. 19 from 9 to 11 a.m., taught by Christopher G. Robertson, materials expert and sales director for Endurica.
This course will discuss fatigue threshold in elastomers and how to use this parameter to develop highly durable rubber products. A technical background is recommended. This course will cover fatigue crack growth behavior and how to measure fatigue limits. Cost is $99 per member and $199 per non-member. The course is free for students.
• Rubber Extrusion Technology will be Aug. 19-20, from 1 to 5 p.m. each day, taught by Richard Strong of Elastomeric Consulting Services L.L.C.
This course will discuss rubber extrusion and offer an overview of a variety of processes and their strengths and weaknesses. Processes to be covered include liquid curing media, better known as the salt bath process; hot air vulcanization; and microwave/hot air vulcanization. Cost is $345 per member and $445 per non-member. The course is free for student members.
Endurica workshops
ACS Rubber Division members receive $100 off Endurica workshops. Workshops are available through a partnership with Endurica L.L.C. They are live, online, multi-day workshops that offer experience in solving durability issues.
- July 27-30—Application of Rubber Fatigue Analysis with Endurica Software; and
- Aug. 4-5—Viscoelastic Effects in Elastomers and Impact on Durability