GOTHENBURG, Sweden—Swedish tire recycling technology company Scandinavian Enviro Systems A.B. is seeking renegotiation of agreements to build recycling facilities based on Enviro's patented technology.
For more than a year, Enviro has been negotiating with U.S. company EE-TDF Cleveland L.L.C., Danish company WindSpace A/S and Canadian company Treadcraft Limited to build pyrolysis plants in those countries, according to an Enviro press release.
"Since the initial contracts were signed, we have changed our strategy and business model, and we now are investing in becoming part owners in new plants so as to capitalize on the revenue streams that these generate," Enviro CEO Thomas Sorensson said.
The deadlines to complete these agreements has passed, but the plants will still be built, according to Enviro.
"This means that our contract negotiations are a little more complicated, but also that we need to settle a number of financial questions before we can establish a final contract," Sorensson said.
Sorensson declined to say when he thought the new contracts would be completed.
"There are many aspects that have to be considered before we're ready, and we must of course carefully evaluate which projects provide the best long-term conditions for us," he said.
According to its website, Enviro was founded in 2001, its technology based on the patented pyrolysis system developed in 1994 by inventor Bengt-Shure Ershag.
Enviro opened six pilot plants in Sweden between 2005 and 2010 and a full-scale plant in Asensbruk, Sweden, in 2013, the company said.
In June 2019, Trelleborg Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. placed three initial orders for EnviroCB, Enviro's recovered carbon black, for production of solid tires, Enviro said.