WASHINGTON—The International Trade Commission has moved the date for a hearing on whether mattress imports from China are causing material injury to the U.S. mattress industry, to Oct. 15 from Oct. 10.
Requests to appear at the hearing must be sent to the ITC no later than Oct. 8, according to a July 18 Federal Register notice. Oct. 10 is now the date for the prehearing conference at ITC headquarters, which is where the Oct. 15 hearing will also be held.
Nine U.S. mattress manufacturers petitioned the ITC in September 2018 for antidumping relief against Chinese importers of a wide range of adult and youth mattresses.
In May 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued preliminary antidumping duties ranging from 38.56 to 1,731.75 percent against Chinese mattress imports.
Furthermore, Commerce found critical circumstances against all but two Chinese mattress manufacturers, meaning that all the others had to pay duties to Customs and Border Protection retroactively from 90 days before publication of the antidumping notice in the Federal Register.