For Michelin, success—in 2022 and beyond—was and will be a balancing act.
That balance is built into the company's all-sustainable vision which pledges to consider and balance people, profit and planet across its business decisions.
But that balance also is evident in the way Michelin—a mobility company at its core—has diversified its product and solutions offerings and business. The largest portion of Michelin's sales in 2022—42 percent—came from replacement tires and two-wheel tire sales. Automotive OE accounted for 10 percent of the sales.
Transportation accounted for 26 percent of sales and the Specialties area 18 percent.
High Tech Materials—flexible composites and engineered polymers—contributed 4 percent to 2022 sales.
And that balance of product and service offerings is exactly how Michelin's With, Around and Beyond Tires strategy is intended to play out.
"In 2023, we will stay the course and keep building on our fundamentals through our tire business, while continuously adapting for the future through our Around and Beyond tires strategies," Chapot wrote in a LinkedIn post Feb. 15.
But it's not just in sales where the tire maker is finding balance. Michelin also has managed to find a balance geographically.
For 2022, North and Central America accounted for 35 percent of the company's overall sales, while Europe and Asia (excluding India and China) combined for 38 percent of sales. The rest of the world made up 27 percent of group sales last year.
"Over the 2019-2022 period, the group has demonstrated the resilience of its business model," Menegaux said.
It's a model Menegaux expects will continue to show strength in the months and years ahead.