The Dyersburg facility distributes air springs for heavy-duty products and off-highway applications. The new distribution center also assembles and distributes Ride-Rite kits for the automotive aftermarket business. These Ride-Rite air helper springs are the ideal solution for leveling a vehicle under load, and with the expansion of the kit assembly line, can now serve the expanded dealer coverage it aims to achieve in 2024 and beyond.
Both of the new centers include numerous departments including shipping, receiving, office administration and light assembly, and will employ coordinators, material handlers, and office administration personnel. In total, the Williamsburg facility will create 25 jobs and the Dyersburg facility will create 40 new jobs.
The new centers will serve as hubs to distribute Firestone Airide products globally. The facility expansions are designed to accommodate significant growth in the Airide air spring business.
"The investment in Williamsburg builds upon a recent plant expansion to meet growing demand for the company's air springs products, driven by the growing electric vehicle sector," Monaghan said. "We have a vital role to play in the transformation of mobility created by advanced electric vehicles and supporting technologies, such as our Firestone air springs."
Firestone Airide has operated the Williamsburg and Dyersburg facilities since 1989.