With the exception of its Nov. 3 board meeting, the Los Angeles Rubber Group has canceled its remaining events for the year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Nov. 3 board meeting now will be held as a conference call. Events for 2021 will be updated as they are scheduled, the group said.
Specific event cancellations include:
• Oct. 6—October board meeting, set for 11:30 a.m. at the Phoenix Club in Anaheim, Calif.;
• Oct. 6—Technical conference, set for 1 p.m. at the Phoenix Club in Anaheim, Calif.;
• Dec. 5— Christmas Party committee meeting, board reception;
• Dec. 5—Christmas Party, scheduled for the Hilton Orange County Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa, Calif. ; and
• Dec. 11—Christmas board party.
For questions, contact Darren Marcoux at [email protected] or 562-762-6676.