KUALA LUMPUR—The Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association has reassured global health authorities and the World Health Organization that the supply of gloves would not be disrupted by a recent outbreak of COVID-19 among factory workers.
"Be assured that new capacity is available to make good the interim shortfall and that there is not going to be any aggravated disruption to whatever is currently being supplied to the world," MARGMA President Supramaniam Shanmugam said in a Nov. 26 statement.
MARGMA's members engaged more locals to work in facilities to support demand, he added.
"This is surely a good sign that going forward, more locals can be employed in this industry," he said.
Alluding to the discovery of COVID clusters among Top Glove factory workers in Meru, Shanmugam said MARGMA was aware of the situation regarding "one of our top members".
"We are assured that they are working very closely with the health authorities and sanitary experts to contain and suppress the virus attack on their workers," he said.
Elsewhere, the association president urged members to "continue and upscale" preventive measures to ensure the health and safety of workers amid a second COVID wave.
"It is important and necessary for our members to maintain the highest level of hygiene in the workplace and also in the hostels and dormitories housing the workers," he said.
In addition, he said, a joint task force consisting of the relevant ministries and MARGMA, will continue to visit members factories, to monitor and ensure that they are in compliance with the living conditions standards.
The task force was created earlier this year, after the country was included in the U.S. 2020 list of goods produced with child or forced labor and following a detention order placed by the U.S. on shipments from Top Glove due to allegations of forced labor.