There are still more questions than answers, but some clues about the next cyclical recovery are emerging. There has been a lot of speculation about whether we get a V-shape, U-shape, L-shape, W-shape, etc. What is implied by these shapes, and what are some of the markers or indicators that mean one shape is more probable than another? What about the reconfiguration of supply chains? Has the market perception of Chinese products changed? What happens to sustainability? Recycling? Materials prices? The price of virgin material made from fossil fuels has dropped, and many resins producers have scaled back production. At the same time, the transition back to the "new normal" is starting with a huge set of new regulations (PPE for workers, social distancing for customers, masks and hand sanitizer requirements, etc.). Will the recent surge in demand for medical supplies and sterilized packaging continue?
SPEAKER: Bill Wood, Founder and President, Mountaintop Economics & Research Inc.