In 2017 Mama Duck made appearances throughout Canada, highlighted by an appearance in Toronto for the Ontario 150 tour. It's also made appearances in Philadelphia, Long Island, N.Y.; Syracuse, N.Y.; Green Bay, Wis.; Duluth, Min.; Buffalo, N.Y.; Erie, Pa.; Toronto; and Tacoma, Wash.
And while the duck is mostly made of vinyl, a spokesman confirmed that there is some rubber involved in its construction.
As for her appearance in Sandusky, Mama Duck will be available during festival hours starting with the Parade of Sale on July 12. Ticket options are available at the festival website— The event runs from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. on July 12, then from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. July 13-15.
Attendees can come and look, but won't be able to ride the duck. She also cannot withstand certain weather conditions and may need to be deflated for both her safety and those in attendance. A similar sized duck, floating alongside the Chinese coast, was swept away in a storm.