LYON, France—Solvay S.A. has reported "promising results" from tests of its Premium SW silica product in truck, agricultural and winter tires.
The product "confirms its breakthrough results in truck tires and its solution status regarding the upcoming regulations in this market," said Thomas Chaussee, global tire research and innovation manager, said in a statement.
Chaussee revealed the test findings at the recent Tire Technology Expo conference in Hanover, Germany, where he also highlighted potential gains from using the silica in agricultural tires and in optimizing winter tire performance.
"Solvay silica teams are very close to the market and we investigate continuously the trends and needs in the different market segments and applications" said An Nuyttens, president of Solvay's Silica global business unit.
"That's why we are extending our specialty portfolio, we want to accompany our customers throughout their chosen path," Nuyttens said.