Age: 35
Title: Communications leader
Company: Bridgestone Americas Inc.
Why she was selected: Oversees all communications activities for Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations after just four years with the company, earning numerous national and regional awards for her work.
What inspired you to pursue a career in the rubber industry?
I never set out to pursue a career in the rubber industry, but I am so thankful that this is where my professional journey has led me. I was born and raised in Nashville, Tenn., and growing up here there always was a certain prestige associated with working for Bridgestone. The company, with its two great brands, has long been known as a leader both in its industry and as an employer in the Nashville area. After I graduated college, I moved around quite a bit to pursue a career in communications. At a certain point, my husband and I decided that we would be open to returning to Nashville if the right opportunity presented itself. I only applied for one job in Nashville—and that was a position in communications at Bridgestone. Thankfully, I interviewed and got the job, and joining the company has been without question one of the best decisions I ever made. There is so much opportunity at Bridgestone, and I truly love my job. This is a great industry to work in, with the smartest, most interesting and nicest people. Each day, I come to work excited by the challenges and inspired by the opportunities this industry offers.
What do you love most about your job?
There is always something new to learn, and I love that no two days are ever the same. I always feel challenged in my role and there is so much opportunity to grow. But more than that, I love the people. I truly am privileged to work with some of the smartest and most talented people in the industry, and my job gives me the opportunity to shine a light on the incredible work and innovation that they are developing to meet the needs of our customers. So many consumers don't understand what goes into making a tire—from the design, to the innovative technology, to the testing, to the manufacturing and more. Tires really are sophisticated pieces of safety technology. I love that I get to be part of the process of educating consumers about the importance of tires and help celebrate the dedicated people who are so committed to making the best tires in the world.
How did your company sell the rubber industry to you during the recruiting/hiring process?
It was a pretty easy sell. As the largest tire and rubber company in the world, Bridgestone has two great brands. It was exciting to think about being able to work for the company and help manage the reputation of those brands. In terms of the hiring process, I think it boils down to opportunity. There is so much opportunity to grow and learn across the tire industry and particularly at Bridgestone. I am fascinated by how things work and are made, and as such I was attracted to the idea of working with engineers and scientists to help translate their very technical skills into something clear and easy to understand that resonates with consumers. We also have some fantastic marketing and sports marketing programs at Bridgestone.
Other interests: Explores new restaurants in Nashville with her husband, Keith, and practices yoga.