LaPLACE, La.—Denka Performance Elastomer L.L.C. will increase the prices of its Denka Neoprene branded polychloroprene rubber manufactured at a facility in LaPlace.
The increase, Denka said, begins Feb. 1, applies to both the domestic and overseas markets and represents a minimum of $400 per metric ton. This cost is in addition to price increases announced late last year.
Denka Performance Elastomer was established in 2015 as a joint venture in which Tokyo-based Denka Co. Ltd. owns 70 percent and Mitsui Co. Ltd., also based in Tokyo, owns 30 percent. The company's neoprene products are made at a LaPlace facility previously owned by DuPont.
Elamstomer products made by Denka are used in a variety of applications including automobiles, electric home appliances, building materials and food packaging materials, according to the company website.