BRUSSELS—Secretary General of the European Tyre Recycling Association Valerie Schulman has rejected reports that the association is facing mass resignation by its board members.
Her comments came as former member of the board Jacques Vervaet said that out of the nine board members three had already resigned and resignations of another three were pending due to disagreements with the management.
The information disseminated to you, noted Schulman, "is incorrect, denigrating and very harmful for the association."
In a Dec. 22 statement, Vervaet said ETRA's leaders refused to provide financials of the non-profit oragnization to the board. Additionally, Vervaet said, some of the leading members fail to inform others about their activities and the projects taken on by ETRA.
"Because I don't have any answer on these fundamental questions related to the management of ETRA, as final and juridical action, I have sent my requests for investigation to the 'Tribunal administratif de Strasbourg' (France)," he concluded.
In response, Schulman said ETRA had also taken "legal steps" in this case.
Commenting on the mass resignations, Schulman said Vervaet's company, Big Tyre Recycling Corp., was no longer an ETRA member.
"Vervaet is also no longer member of the board of directors—as a consequence of BTRC loss of membership and due to his formal resignation," she said.