SANDUSKY, Ohio—Thermoplastic Elastomer compounding group Hexpol TPE has started a production and development unit in North America, the company announced Dec. 12.
The news follows the group's recent decision to rename its Elasto and Mueller Kunststoffe sites to Hexpol TPE as part of a global branding strategy.
The new TPE facilities have been installed at Hexpol's RheTech Colors plant in Sandusky and the products will be marketed under the Hexpol TPE name.
"We are working with a number of global customers that we already supply from the Hexpol TPE operations in Europe and China," Craig Dunaway, general manager at RheTech Colors and Hexpol TPE in North America said. "We can now also provide local supply and support in North America."
The initial focus for the North American operation will be the Dryflex family of TPE compounds, which have been developed to add "soft-touch aesthetics" to products, according to Hexpol TPE. Applications include automotive, industrial, packaging and construction markets.