INDIANAPOLIS—Dan Parsons of Gates Corp. is set to conclude his 15-year tenure as the American National Standards Institute ISO/TC 41/ SC 4 committee chairperson at the end of the year.
The Association for Rubber Products Manufacturers is saluting Parson's service to the institute.
“Through this role, (Parsons) has not only aided in innovating everyday applications of rubber, but assisted ARPM in broadening its horizon with the world's rubber industry,” said Troy Nix, ARPM Executive Director, “thereby helping our member companies connect to their customers, partners, employees and communities in a whole new way.”
Parsons has served in the role while doing full-time duties at Gates as senior project manager. Several of the committee meetings are international, and ARPM lauded him for the time he has devoted to reviewing standards, communicating to the committee members and traveling to the meetings.
“ARPM appreciates the long hours, the persistence, the attention to detail, creative problem solving, travel time, and cooperative attitude in this role for Dan over these past years,” Nix said. “He has truly impacted ARPM and the rubber industry in ways we will be grateful for years to come.”
ANSI modified the ISO/IEC directives in 2014 to impose a nine-year maximum term for the committee chairperson at both. The technical management board made this decision to ensure renewed leadership and fresh perspectives for ISO committees, according to the ARPM.
Six additional committee chairs whose terms have exceeded the nine-year maximum also will conclude at the end of 2016.
As the voice of the U.S. standards and conformity assessment system, ANSI oversees the creation, promulgation and use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector, from acoustical devices to construction equipment, from dairy and livestock production to energy distribution, and others.
Established in 2010, ARPM is managed by rubber business leaders and has more than 80 members.