WASHINGTON—The U.S. International Trade Commission has voted 6-0 that preliminary evidence of material injury exists against the U.S. emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber industry because of ESBR imports from Brazil, Mexico, Poland and South Korea.
The Sept. 2 ITC vote means that the U.S. Department of Commerce will continue its preliminary antidumping duty investigation against Brazilian, Mexican, Polish and South Korean ESBR imports, the ITC said. Commerce's preliminary antidumping determinations are due on or about Dec. 28, the ITC said.
With the ITC vote, the agency said it will enter the final phase of its ESBR investigation. If Commerce makes an affirmative determination of antidumping, the ITC will issue a final phase notice of scheduling, including a public hearing.
The current investigation is based on a July 21 letter to the ITC from Lion Elastomers L.L.C. and East-West Copolymers, requesting antidumping relief from Brazilian, Mexican, Polish and South Korean ESBR imports.
At the time, news articles from South Korea quoted the Korea International Trade Association as saying that Lion and East-West requested antidumping duties of 22.4 to 44.2 percent.
The notice of the ITC vote appeared in the Sept. 12 Federal Register. It can be found here.