RIO DE JANEIRO—Bridgestone Corp. and Dow Chemical Co.—both TOP Olympic sponsors—have joined forces with Transforma, the official education program of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic games, to support and enhance educational opportunities for children and teachers throughout Brazil.
Transforma aims to engage children in learning by connecting them to sports-themed curriculum. Since its inception in 2013, the program has created free digital tutorials and training for educators, while developing classroom content for 7 million students from more than 12,000 schools throughout 2,500 Brazilian cities, according to the companies.
Bridgestone's support of the program has led to the establishment of training session for physical education teachers in Santo Andre and Camacari. The sessions, led by Rio 2016 sports professionals, offered the teachers new techniques for using Olympic sports as a spring board into interactive educational opportunities, Bridgestone said.