AKRON—Several presentations will be dedicated to modeling as an aid to tire design at the International Tire Exhibition & Conference.
The 2016 event will be held Sept. 13-15 at the John S. Knight Center in Akron.
ITEC chairmen Harold Herzlich, Walter Waddell and Larry Evans have assembled at least three presentations on modeling as an aid to tire design. They include:
- Paired Design Treadwear Analysis, presented by Leighton Spadone, President of DAAS Inc. Spadone's program will demonstrate how paired design can reduce treadwear testing costs in time, vehicles and tires;
- Innovative Molecular Simulation and Visualization Technology for Designing Tire materials, by Masato Naito, manager, Material-Simulation Project, Sumitomo Rubber. Naito will describe how large scale simulation is used to improve wear resistance; and
- The Road to Reality—Toward Faster and More Efficient Tire Characterization, by Peter Shepler, vice president business development, Camber Ridge. Shepler will discuss how simulations can help shorten the automotive development cycle.
In addition, Will Mars, president of Endurica, will present a special hour-long program entitled Modern Solutions for Characterizing and Simulating Tire Durability.
Learn more about the ITEC program, exhibit and sponsorships on the website. Early bird registration is still available for the event.