Coming up in a few months, Rubber & Plastics News will put a spotlight on the family owned businesses in our industry. As part of that I'd like to send out an invitation to you to participate in what promises to be a very interesting issue.
As a bit of background, Crain Communications Inc., our parent company, is a family owned publishing firm celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.
G.D. Crain Jr. founded the company with Advertising Age, one of the best known publications in its field still today. Other Crain publications many of you likely are more familiar with include Automotive News and city business publications in Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and New York.
Crain's wife, Gertrude, carried on the leadership after the founder's death, along with their two sons, Keith and Rance Crain. Today, the leadership is into its third generation, with Keith's sons KC and Chris taking on a much more prominent role.
That sparked the idea for the publications in what is now the Crain Global Polymer Group—including RPN—to collaborate on a special section devoted to family owned and operated business. We will work together on stories of universal appeal, covering topics such as succession planning, financing, health care and benefit plan issues, and resolving disagreements.
Separately, we will then focus on family companies within our industry and tell their stories. Family firms help form the backbone of what has made rubber such a critical part of both the national and global economies.
From small rubber product makers to some of the largest firms in the sector, there are family run companies involved in every facet of our business. That includes suppliers of materials, machinery and tooling, to family run distributors, and everything in between.
The report will appear in our May 16 issue and on our digital properties. That's where your help comes in. We want to hear your stories. What are the benefits of being family owned, along with the drawbacks. And how are you able to succeed in an ultracompetitive environment.
If you are a part of a family run business and want to be part of our issue, please complete a short survey. The survey is available by clicking here.
Our managing editor, Don Detore, will be coordinating our coverage. If you have any questions, email Don at [email protected].
Meyer is editor of Rubber & Plastics News. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @bmeyerRPN.