#BreakingNews: Henniges appoints interim CEO https://t.co/wcJ7LqhI4a @RubberNews pic.twitter.com/xBmyUjIBj3
— Jen Karpus-Romain (@jenniferkarpus) December 18, 2015
There will be no NYC ban on polystyrene foam: Appeals court rules against ban https://t.co/YL09FYkbcy pic.twitter.com/Z0WykKXK6Z
— plasticsnews (@plasticsnews) December 14, 2015
[INFOGRAPHIC] The End of Made In China #Manufacturing https://t.co/mtj5J5u7IQ
— Cerasis (@Cerasis) December 18, 2015
LANXESS' CEO Matthias Zachert is ranked number 7 among ICIS top 40 power players. https://t.co/B81RvAIt92
— LANXESS (@LANXESS) December 14, 2015
.@Bridgestone APM selects site in #NewYork for #manufacturing facility, per @RubberNews #automotive https://t.co/E36b1FtTMM
— Chris Sweeney (@CSweeneyRPN) December 17, 2015
Smart #Hydrogel Could be the Next Big Thing in Wound Treatment and #MedicalDevices https://t.co/Gxhlf6J0dx
— Polymer Solutions (@PSITestingLab) December 18, 2015
What does the interest rate hike mean for #manufacturing? Only time will tell — but it's probably not good. https://t.co/w3PVj2wi85
— AAM (@KeepitMadeinUSA) December 18, 2015
With the FSA, you'll never fall behind on #Sealing Industry Standards. We'll keep up with the changes for you. https://t.co/27BKCUS0eP
— Fluid Sealing (@fluidsealing) December 11, 2015
Continued U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Could Hinge on Collaboration Says Report- https://t.co/WEMc0miBLf
— ML Council (@MfgExecutive) December 18, 2015
Nanotechnology breakthrough revolutionizes laser printing - Nanowerk: NanowerkNanotechnology b... https://t.co/bFCJWrwNha #nanotechnology
— NANOTECHNOLOGY (@_Nanotechnology) December 18, 2015