Editor's Note: Each week, Rubber & Plastics News will take a look at some of the rubber industry's new products and innovations on www.rubbernews.com. Does your company have a new product or new innovation? To be considered for inclusion in this recurring feature, email [email protected].
Chase Elastomer, a Hexpol A.B. company, introduced a capabilities brochure: Rubber Compounds Formulated for the Roller Industry.
Chase Elastomer said it offers a range of high quality, off-the-shelf rubber compounds, and the brochure lists the company's series of products for the roller industry. The company noted, rubber roller compounds not listed may require formulations that can be designed and developed by Chase Elastomer, as a user's specifications require.
All Chase products listed are rated from excellent to poor in three categories: physical properties, solvent resistance and recommended applications. Categories of physical properties such as abrasion resistance, load bearing and resiliency are provided. Solvent resistance includes categories such as acids, caustics, and ketones. Each product's recommended applications are listed as well, such as: graphic arts and printing; steel/aluminum; plastics; wood; pulp and paper; textiles; food; and specialty applications.
Hexpol is a global provider of elastomer compounds and Chase Elastomer said it has expertise across an array of rubber roller applications.
For more information about Chase Elastomer rubber compounds for the roller industry, or other Hexpol products and services, visit the company's website at www.hexpolcompounding.com.