WASHINGTON—The U.S. scrap recycling industry adds more than $105 billion annually to the domestic economy and accounts for nearly 500,000 U.S. jobs, according to a new Economic Impact Study from the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries.
Performed for ISRI by the independent consulting firm of John Dunham and Associates, the new study explored the size and scope of the U.S. scrap recycling industry, and measured its contributions to the economy in terms of employment, tax generation and overall economic benefit, ISRI said.
Scrap recycling is responsible for 471,587 direct and indirect jobs in the U.S., according to the report. This includes 149,010 direct jobs in facilities that process scrap materials into new, usable commodities.
Average wages for direct recycling jobs are $77,153 annually, ISRI said.
Indirect jobs in recycling, the report said, include jobs in companies that provide machinery, equipment and services to scrap processors, as well as wages and taxes paid by scrap recyclers to their workers and suppliers, ISRI said.
The scrap recycling industry accounts for 0.68 percent of total U.S. economic activity, making it comparable with data processing, dentistry and auto repair, according to the report.
Scrap recycling also generates about $4.4 billion in state and local revenues annually as well as another $6.8 billion in federal taxes, it said.
The full report, including breakdowns state by state and by congressional district, can be found at www.isri.org/economy.