LIPETSK, Russia—Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd.'s Russian subsidiary has begun producing original-equipment specification car tires for delivery to a local Nissan Motor Corp. Ltd. assembly plant.
L.L.C. Yokohama R.P.Z. began turning out Geolander G91 and BlueEarth E75 tires in the fourth quarter for Nissan X-Trail SUVs and Teana sedans, respectively, assembled at Nissan Manufacturing RUS L.L.C.'s plant in St. Petersburg.
The supply contract resulted from Nissan Russia's decision to stop using imported tires, Yokohama said, as well as a reflection of the quality of tires produced by Yokohama. Previously the plant had been dedicated to production of replacement tires.
The Tokyo-based tire maker said it expects the change should help raise awareness of the Yokohama brand in Russia, which should translate into higher aftermarket sales as well. Yokohama said it will seek out additional OE supply contracts as well.
The change also fits with the goals of Yokohama Rubber's Grand Design 100 medium-term management plan, the company said.
Yokohama R.P.Z. was established in December 2008 and began production at the end of 2011. Capacity stands 1.6 million tires a year, more than double that at start-up.