Set includes "Taking Key Information From Your Laboratory to the Courtroom," presented by Chad Mowery, Partner, Roetzel & Andress and Joseph Ruscak, Associate, Roetzel & Andress; "Tire Tread Depth and Wet Traction--A Review," presented by William Blythe, President, William Blythe Inc.; "Effect of Localized Belt Delamination on Treadware Rate,"presented by Jean-Claude Brico, Consultant, Forensic Tire Expertise, LLC; "Error Analysis of Rapid Wear Estimation in Tread Separation," given by John Daws, Ph.D., Principal Engineer, Daws Engineering; "Do Old Worn Out Tires Retain Anti-Degradents," presented by James Rancourt, Ph.D., Founder, CEO, Polymer Solutions, Inc.; "You Got it but Hackers want it. What's Your Plan," given by by Steve Belovich, Founder, IQware; "Reverse Engineering of Rubber Products--Concepts, Tools & Techniques," presented by Rabindra Mukhopadhyay, Ph.D., Director & CE, Hasetri.