Knowledge of calendering machinery and technology within an organization is often dependent on the experience and know-how of key personnel. In larger organizations, such knowledge is often compartmentalized among the maintenance, engineering, and production departments. Personnel turn-over, reductions in non-productive staffing levels, broad-spectrum responsibilities, and weak record keeping practices combine to limit the development of expertise and knowledge to crisis resolution events. The contraction in the number of suppliers of calender and related machinery, and the loss of technical expertise and historical data in those organizations that remain, contribute to the need to insure that in-house personnel are knowledgeable and competent in both the technology of employing the equipment and its mechanical capabilities and limitations. Suggested methods for developing cross-departmental expertise and knowledge are presented. Recent developments and the opportunity to modify or upgrade existing equipment and practices are reviewed. Sources of expertise and know how external to the organization and the employment of those sources to strengthen and develop internal resources are outlined. Presented by Lawrence Gooch, P.E., Gooch Engineering Associates.
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