MILWAUKEE—The Polyurethane Manufacturers Association is accepting submissions of technical papers for its 2015 annual meeting. The deadline to submit an abstract is Oct. 31.
Technical papers are chosen for presentation based on technical content, timeliness of the subject, and relevance to PMA members and the industry. The PMA gives an award to the best paper as selected by a representative from each attending company.
In order to submit a paper, applicants must provide company name, address, phone, fax, e-mail and web site; direct phone, extension and e-mail of the presenter; title and 100-word description of the proposed paper. Topics may cover, if possible, 3D printing: technology to revolutionize the cast polyurethane industry; and laser cutting and cast polyurethane.
Anyone interested in submitting a paper should contact the PMA office at 414-431-3094 or send the following to [email protected]. More information is available here.