BONN, Germany—Representatives from Firestone Building Products, Milliken and Co., and Carlisle Construction Materials will be among those giving presentations on such issues as landfill slope-liner performance and new regulations at the Waterproof Membranes 2014 Conference, to be held Nov. 17-19 at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn.
The conference will tailor to industry professionals and researchers to discuss the latest research and development innovations, market demands and trends in waterproof membrane applications and development.
According to the conference organizer's, the program includes 20 presentations that explore the key issues facing the sector. Companies that will make presentations include Geosynthetica, on the economic drivers for the growth of geosynthetic lining systems in mining; Milliken and Co., on the global market trends in the high strength modified bitumen roofing market; Firestone Building Products, on the use of EPDM membranes from ventilated facades to complete building envelopes; and TecneXum, on the combination of air conditioning and cool roofs to reduce the heat-island-effect.
For more information go to AMI's website, call conference organizer Giulia Esposito at +44 (0)117-314-8111 or email: [email protected].