AKRON—The ACS Rubber Division will be sponsoring two classes in August, to be held in Charlotte, N.C.
They are: Material Selection & Failure Analysis, Aug. 12-13; and Molding of Rubber, Aug. 14. Both classes will be taught by R.J. DelVecchio, consultant, and run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day.
Material Selection & Failure Analysis will examine material selection of elastomers and their manufacturing processes, and then proceed into failure mode analyses, design implications, part function, field analyses, etc. Cost is $925 for members, $975 for non-member and $250 for student members
The Molding of Rubber class is an introduction to one of the main processes in the industry, the forming and vulcanization of rubber products by use of molds. After an introduction to basic rubber technology, attendees will explore the variations of the molding process, which are compression, transfer, and injection molding, as well as some minor variations within each of these types. Cost is $600 member for members, $650 for non-members, and $150 student members.
Click here for more information or to sign up for any of these classes.