FREDERICTON, New Brunswick—Recycle NB's tire pressure clinic campaign has won a MarCom Gold Award from the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals.
The campaign, on which Recycle NB collaborated with Canadian Tire and the Rubber Association of Canada, was held Oct. 21-26 during Canada's Waste Reduction Week.
During the campaign, New Brunswick motorists were invited to any of Canadian Tire's 19 stores in the province for a free tire pressure check. Motorists also could register on the Recycle NB website to enter a drawing for a free set of snow tires donated by Goodyear.
The MarCom 2013 International Awards honored Recycle NB in the Communications/Public Relations/Special Event category, the judges choosing it from thousands of entries.
One of the largest competitions of its kind in the world, the MarCom Awards draw entries from corporate marketing and communications departments, advertising agencies, public relations firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers.
Recycle NB is the organization that has overseen New Brunswick's scrap tire stewardship program for more than 15 years. The program is paid for by an advance disposal fee of $3 per motorcycle or moped tire, $4.50 per passenger tire and $13.50 per medium truck tire sold in the province.