WASHINGTON—The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is requesting public comment on the efficacy and fairness of reporting requirements under the Uniform Tire Quality Grading System.
This is a routine request under the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, NHTSA said in a Nov. 29 Federal Register notice.
Under that law, every federal agency must periodically seek the approval of the Office of Management and Budget for every proposed or ongoing information collection program it conducts.
NHTSA is inviting comment on whether UTQGS information collection is necessary for the proper performance of NHTSA's functions; whether the information has practical utility; whether NHTSA has accurately estimated the burden UTQGS reporting places on tire makers; and how to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the UTQGS information NHTSA gathers.
NHTSA estimates that approximately 45 tire manufacturers and distributors submit UTQGS information on some 160 tire brands.
The agency also estimates that the annual financial burden on tire makers and distributors to comply with UTQGS is $35.1 million, the largest portion of which goes toward treadwear, traction and temperature testing.
Jan. 28 is the deadline for comments.