CLEVELAND—Doug Ruch of ChemRep Inc. will chair the ACS Rubber Division next year, and Terry DeLapa of Alpha Technologies will become the first woman in the association's history to hold that post in 2015, the division disclosed during its fall meeting in Cleveland.
DeLapa will be chair-elect next year. The division's system of advancement automatically moves her to the top job the following year.
The other officers in 2014 will be Leo C. Goss Jr., Rhein Chemie Corp., as treasurer; William Stahl, Rainbow Mastermixing L.L.C., assistant treasurer; Paul Glasgow, Stemaco USA Inc., secretary; John M. Long, JM Long Rubber Consultants, councilor; Mark Petras, ChemRep, alternate councilor; David O'Brien, AirBoss Rubber Compounding, director of bylaws and procedures; Ken Kemerer, Silmix Ohio division of Wacker Chemical, director's representative; and Edward L. Miller, executive director.
The division also named area directors for its rubber groups, and various committee chairpersons.