ROMULUS, Mich.—Alliance Polymers and Services L.L.C. has released a new series of overmolding grades of Maxelast thermoplastic elastomers for bonding onto elastomers for handles, grips, cosmetic cases and other applications.
According to the company, the four grades, available in a Shore A Hardness range of 32, 40, 60 and 70, offer a chemical bond between the soft elastomeric alloy and a rigid polyethylene substrate. Products are made ergonomic and soft to the touch as well as slip resistant, according to APS. The TPE also provides shock absorption to grips.
The four additions to the firm's Maxelast OM grades require no drying, are easily colored, process easily and provide superior bonding performance and consistent mechanical properties when used in any TPE overmolding applications, the company said.