LANORAIE, Quebec—LanOTR, an OTR tire retreader, is expanding into truck tire retreading with the acquisition of commercial tire retreader Rechapage Global in Levis, Quebec.
Rechapage will operate as a new division and be renamed GlobalECO.
"GlobalECO reflects our commitment to offer high-performance, reliable tires that meet carriers' requirements while optimizing their costs," LanOTR CEO Daniel Marleau said.
"This acquisition brings us one step closer to our vision of creating an accessible and reliable retreading model to reduce the tire industry's environmental impact."
The company said with the combined 85 years of technical expertise and LanOTR's fleet of trucks, GlobalECO is able to serve customers throughout eastern Canada.
GlobalECO will continue to work with its retailers to ensure the sale of its retreading services, while strengthening existing partnerships to better meet carriers' needs, the company said.
LanOTR, founded in 1976, was acquired by Marleau in 2009, changing the company's focus to retreading and repairing heavy machinery tires.
LanOTR introduced an agricultural tire retread in 2011 and has since expanded its plant to retread tires up to 10.5 feet in diameter.
The company has over 300 retail customers across Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes.